The Lockdown

The year 2020 was not rosy for mother Earth and its occupant as the Corona Virus pandemic struck and dealt a heavy blow on all of us.
As at February 14th 2020, Africa recorded its first case in Egypt.
Prior to this time, countries like China, United Kingdom and the United States had recorded quite a number of cases.

People lost their lives, jobs and means of livelihood and people who were poor struggled even more.

Human weaknesses were exposed as families were torn apart as a result of infidelity and lack of resources.
The world’s economy came crashing down before our very eyes.
So many businesses packed up.
Employees who did not have multiple streams of income became stranded and lacked capital to start up new businesses.
The pandemic unleashed economic and social devastation on many.

Nations of the world had to go on total lockdown in order to curb the spread of this menace that had befallen humanity.

The World Health Organization (WHO) had introduced wearing of face mask, face shield, practicing social distancing and frequent washing of hands to minimize the spread of the killer virus known as Corona.

The fear of contracting the virus killed more people than the virus itself as some countries recorded thousands of death on daily basis.

The Social media space became a place for all as everything was done online including church services, well developed countries equipped their citizens with internet facilities to be able receive lectures online while underdeveloped countries, who did not even have constant power supply not to talk of internet facilities were left behind.

However, the world was on lockdown, but with the help of modern technology, developed countries moved on very quickly and continued to progress.
Epidemiologist, virologists and phadmacologists in developed countries set to work on a vaccine.

Many developing nations went to places of worship to pray to God to remove the menace of the pandemic.

Moreso, the pandemic helped people discover themselves.
While we were on lockdown, so many businesses were launched, people discovered their talents and gifts in different areas.

The lockdown is a lesson for all of us as we did not see it coming, to be always prepared, have savings, have other streams of income and do not depend solely on your job.

Learn new skills and continue to develop yourself as you can’t tell when and who might need your services.



  1. Reply
    Prosper Elechi says:

    This is good..

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