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Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, today we gather to explore the profound topic of discerning God’s voice amidst the myriad of thoughts that flood our minds. In a world filled with distractions and competing voices, how can we distinguish the gentle whisper of God from the clamour of our desires and the world around us? Let us turn to the Word of God for guidance and wisdom as we seek to deepen our understanding of hearing and discerning His voice. I. God’s Desire to Communicate – Scripture Foundation: In the beginning, God spoke creation into existence (Genesis 1:3). Throughout the Bible, we see God communicating with His people—through prophets, visions, dreams, and ultimately through His Son, Jesus Christ. – God desires a personal relationship with us; communication is vital in nurturing this relationship. Just as a loving parent speaks to their child, so does our Heavenly Father long to talk to us and guide our steps. II. The Importance of Discernment – Biblical Guidance: “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God” (1 John 4:1). Discern is essential in distinguishing between God’s voice, our thoughts, and the world’s influences. – Our human nature is prone to selfish desires, fears, and doubts that can cloud our perception of God’s voice. By cultivating discipline through prayer, meditation on Scripture, and seeking godly counsel, we can better recognize when God speaks to us. III. Ways God Speaks to Us – The Still, Small Voice: Just as God spoke to Elijah in a gentle whisper (1 Kings 19:12), sometimes His voice comes quietly, prompting us in our hearts and minds. Being attuned to these subtle nudges requires a posture of listening and surrender. – Through Scripture: The Bible is the primary means through which God reveals His will and character. When we align our thoughts with the teachings of Scripture, we position ourselves to hear God’s voice more clearly and accurately. – Prayer and Meditation: By spending time in prayer and meditation, we open our hearts to commune with God, allowing Him to speak to us through impressions, thoughts, and a sense of His presence. IV. Distinguishing God’s Voice – Peace and Confirmation: “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:7). When God speaks, His voice brings peace, assurance, and alignment with His Word. – Consistency with Scripture: God’s voice will never contradict His Word. As we grow in knowledge and understanding of the Bible, we gain a solid foundation for discerning whether a thought aligns with God’s truth. – Seeking Wise Counsel: Proverbs 15:22 reminds us, “Without counsel, plans fail, but with many advisers, they succeed.” When faced with uncertainty about a thought or direction from God, seeking counsel from mature believers can provide valuable perspective and confirmation. V. The Practice of Discernment – Cultivating a Listening Heart: In the busyness of life, it can be challenging to quiet our minds and listen for God’s voice. However, prioritizing moments of stillness, reflection, and solitude creates space for God to speak to us. – Testing and Waiting: Patience is vital in discerning God’s voice. Instead of rushing into decisions based on a fleeting thought, test it against Scripture, pray for clarity, and wait for confirmation before taking action. – Surrendering to God’s Will: Discerning God’s voice requires a heart surrendered to His will. When we lay aside our agendas and desires, we make room for God to lead and guide us in paths of righteousness. Dear friends, may we approach the task of discerning God’s voice with humility, prayerfulness, and a deep longing to know and obey Him. As we immerse ourselves in Scripture, cultivate Discernment, seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and grow in our ability to differentiate between our thoughts and the voice of God. Let us commit ourselves to listening, testing, and waiting on the Lord, trusting that He is faithful to lead us in ways that bring glory to His name and blessings to our lives. Amen.

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Focus until you achieve https://ablazefoundation.org/focus-until-you-obtain/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=focus-until-you-obtain https://ablazefoundation.org/focus-until-you-obtain/#respond Fri, 24 May 2024 11:22:35 +0000 https://ablazefoundation.org/?p=15498 STRIVE TOWARDS YOUR GOALS WITH UNWAVERING DETERMINATION

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On our journey of faith, the importance of focus cannot be overstated. It is through unwavering focus that we are able to grasp the promises and blessings that God has in store for us. Today, we delve into the scriptural wisdom that illuminates the path to staying focused amidst the storms of life. Message: Scripture reveals to us the insidious nature of distraction as a tool of the enemy to hinder our progress and derail our divine purpose. In Matthew 14:28-36, we witness how Peter’s momentary lapse in focus caused him to falter even as he walked towards Jesus on the water. This serves as a stark reminder that our focus must remain steadfastly fixed on Christ if we are to receive His blessings. Furthermore, Luke 9:62 exhorts us to follow Christ without looking back. To be fit for the kingdom of God, we must pursue Him wholeheartedly, leaving behind all distractions and hindrances that seek to pull us away from His path. Drawing inspiration from the life of Elisha as depicted in 2 Kings 2:1-15, we learn of the profound rewards that come from unwavering focus. Despite facing numerous distractions from the sons of the prophets and even his mentor Elijah, Elisha remained resolute in his pursuit of a double anointing. His unwavering focus not only led to the fulfilment of his desire but also garnered him respect and honour from those who had once mocked him. As we navigate through this month of fruitfulness, let us take heed of the lesson from Elisha’s story. Just as he obtained his double portion through focus, so too can we achieve divine fruitfulness in every facet of our lives by overcoming distractions and staying fixed on God’s promises. In conclusion, remember that focus is not merely a strategy but a spiritual discipline that paves the way for victory in the face of life’s challenges. Stay resolute, keep your eyes fixed on Christ, and watch as the distractions of the enemy fade away in the light of your unwavering faith. May this teaching serve as a beacon of encouragement as you journey towards obtaining the abundant blessings that God has in store for you.

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DISCERNING HIS WILL AMIDST THE NOISE https://ablazefoundation.org/discerning-his-will-amidst-the-noise/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=discerning-his-will-amidst-the-noise https://ablazefoundation.org/discerning-his-will-amidst-the-noise/#respond Sat, 16 Mar 2024 11:54:39 +0000 https://ablazefoundation.org/new/?p=14987 Seeking clarity in a world of distractions, discerning His will.

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Ablaze Fellowship 16/03/24.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, today we gather to explore the profound topic of discerning God’s voice amidst the myriad of thoughts that flood our minds. In a world filled with distractions and competing voices, how can we distinguish the gentle whisper of God from the clamour of our own desires and the world around us? Let us turn to the Word of God for guidance and wisdom as we seek to deepen our understanding of hearing and discerning His voice.

I. God’s Desire to Communicate

    • Scripture Foundation: In the beginning, God spoke creation into existence (Genesis 1:3). Throughout the Bible, we see God communicating with His people—through prophets, visions, dreams, and ultimately through His Son, Jesus Christ.
    • God desires a personal relationship with each of us, and communication is vital in nurturing this relationship. Just as a loving parent speaks to their child, our Heavenly Father longs to speak to us and guide our steps.

II. The Importance of Discernment

    • Biblical Guidance: “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God” (1 John 4:1). Discernment is essential in distinguishing between God’s voice, our own thoughts, and the influences of the world.
    • Our human nature is prone to selfish desires, fears, and doubts that can cloud our perception of God’s voice. By cultivating discernment through prayer, meditation on Scripture, and seeking godly counsel, we can better recognize when God is speaking to us.

III. Ways God Speaks to Us

    • The Still, Small Voice: Just as God spoke to Elijah in a gentle whisper (1 Kings 19:12), sometimes His voice comes quietly, prompting us in our hearts and minds. Being attuned to these subtle nudges requires a posture of listening and surrender.
    • Through Scripture: The Bible is the primary means through which God reveals His will and character. When we align our thoughts with Scripture’s teachings, we position ourselves to hear God’s voice more clearly and accurately.
    • Prayer and Meditation: By spending time in prayer and meditation, we open our hearts to commune with God, allowing Him to speak to us through impressions, thoughts, and a sense of His presence.

IV. Distinguishing God’s Voice

    • Peace and Confirmation: “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:7). When God speaks, His voice brings a sense of peace, assurance, and alignment with His Word.
    • Consistency with Scripture: God’s voice will never contradict His Word. As we grow in knowledge and understanding of the Bible, we gain a solid foundation for discerning whether a thought aligns with God’s truth.
    • Seeking Wise Counsel: Proverbs 15:22 reminds us, “Without counsel, plans fail, but with many advisers, they succeed.” When faced with uncertainty about a thought or direction we believe is from God, seeking counsel from mature believers can provide valuable perspective and confirmation.

V. The Practice of Discernment

    • Cultivating a Listening Heart: In the busyness of life, it can be challenging to quiet our minds and listen to God’s voice. However, by prioritizing moments of stillness, reflection, and solitude, we create space for God to speak to us.
    • Testing and Waiting: Patience is key in discerning God’s voice. Instead of rushing into decisions based on a fleeting thought, test them against Scripture, pray for clarity, and wait for confirmation before taking action.
    • Surrendering to God’s Will: Discerning God’s voice requires a heart that is surrendered to His will. When we lay aside our own agendas and desires, we make room for God to lead and guide us in paths of righteousness.
    • Through Circumstances: God often uses circumstances in our lives to guide and teach us. What may seem like a coincidence or random event could be God orchestrating His will for our benefit. By staying attentive and prayerful, we can discern His hand at work in our circumstances.
    • Through Prayer and Reflection: Prayer and meditation allow us to quiet our hearts and minds, creating space for God to speak to us. As we pour out our thoughts, fears, and desires before Him, we open ourselves to receiving His guidance and wisdom.
    • IV. Obstacles to Hearing God’s Voice
    • Distractions: In a world filled with noise and busyness, it can be challenging to find moments of stillness to listen to God’s voice. Setting aside dedicated time for prayer, meditation, and silence is crucial in overcoming distractions.
    • Doubt and Fear: Doubt and fear can hinder our ability to discern God’s voice, leading us to second-guess the promptings we receive. Cultivating trust in God’s faithfulness and seeking assurance through His Word can help us overcome these obstacles.
    • V. Growing in Discernment
    • Community: Surrounding ourselves with fellow believers who can offer encouragement, accountability, and sound counsel is invaluable in our journey of discernment. Together, we can sharpen each other and confirm God’s leading in our lives.
    • Practice and Persistence: Hearing God’s voice is a skill that develops over time through practice and persistence. As we engage in regular spiritual disciplines, such as prayer, reading Scripture, and seeking quiet moments of reflection, we become more attuned to God’s voice and His leading.

Dear friends, we navigate the complexities of life and seek to discern God’s will; let us remember that He is always speaking to us, desiring to guide, comfort, and lead us in His perfect ways. May we approach the task of discerning His voice with humility, faith, and a willingness to surrender our own desires for the sake of His greater plan, In doing so, we will experience the joy and peace that come from walking in step with our loving and faithful God. May we approach the task of discerning God’s voice with humility, prayerfulness, and a deep longing to know and obey Him. As we immerse ourselves in Scripture, cultivate discernment, and seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit, may we grow in our ability to differentiate between our own thoughts and the voice of God. Let us commit ourselves to the practice of listening, testing, and waiting on the Lord, trusting that He is faithful to lead us in ways that bring glory to His name and blessings to our lives. Amen.

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A step more into recovering all https://ablazefoundation.org/a-step-more-into-recovering-all/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=a-step-more-into-recovering-all https://ablazefoundation.org/a-step-more-into-recovering-all/#respond Sun, 10 Mar 2024 22:35:58 +0000 https://ablazefoundation.org/new/?p=14825 A step more into recovering all is essential in recovering many things we have lost due to ignorance, etc. We will look into the steps […]

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A step more into recovering all is essential in recovering many things we have lost due to ignorance, etc. We will look into the steps to recovering all we have lost.

Step 1: Acknowledge Your Need for Divine Recovery
Psalm 34:17-18 – “The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”

  • Recognize areas in your life where restoration and healing are needed.
  • Understand that God is attentive to your cries for help and is near to the brokenhearted.

Step 2: Engage in Persistent and Faithful Prayer

Philippians 4:6-7 – “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

  • Pray consistently, presenting your needs, struggles, and desires before God.
  • Trust in God’s promise of peace as you bring everything to Him in prayer.

Step 3: Build a Foundation of Trust in God’s Sovereignty

Proverbs 3:5-6 – “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

  • Surrender your concerns to God, trusting in His wisdom and guidance.
  • Cultivate a deep trust in God’s sovereignty over your life, even in times of uncertainty.

Step 4: Seek Healing through Personal Reflection and Repentance

James 5:16 – “Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”

  • Reflect on areas of sin or brokenness that may be hindering your recovery.
  • Confess your sins to God and seek His forgiveness, allowing healing to take place in your life.

Step 5: Surround Yourself with a Community of Support and Prayer

Galatians 6:2 – “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfil the law of Christ.”

  • Share your journey towards recovery with trusted individuals who can provide support and prayers.
  • Allow others to intercede on your behalf, lifting you up in prayer during challenging times.

Step 6: Persist in Prayer and Trust God’s Timing for Restoration

Psalm 27:14 – “Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.”- Continue to pray fervently, maintaining faith in God’s power to bring about restoration.

  • Trust in God’s perfect timing, knowing that He works all things together for good for those who love Him. Incorporating these steps into your pursuit of divine recovery and a devoted prayer life can lead to significant transformation and healing in your journey. Remember, prayer is a powerful tool that connects us to the source of all healing and restoration—God Himself.

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Divine recovery https://ablazefoundation.org/divine-recovery/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=divine-recovery https://ablazefoundation.org/divine-recovery/#respond Tue, 05 Mar 2024 19:41:19 +0000 https://ablazefoundation.org/new/?p=14815 Divine recovery in the Christian faith refers to the restoration and redemption of what was lost or stolen, both spiritually and materially, through God’s intervention […]

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Divine recovery in the Christian faith refers to the restoration and redemption of what was lost or stolen, both spiritually and materially, through God’s intervention and grace. Throughout the Bible, we see instances where God helps His children recover what they have lost, be it their faith, joy, health, relationships, or possessions. This teaching emphasizes the belief that with God, nothing is irredeemable, and His power can bring about restoration beyond human understanding.

Biblical Examples of Divine Recovery:

  1. Job (Job 42:10): Job’s story illustrates how God restored his fortunes twofold after a time of suffering and loss.
  2. The Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32): The parable showcases God’s willingness to welcome repentant sinners back into His loving embrace, offering a chance for restoration.
  3. David (2 Samuel 12:13-14): Despite David’s grave sin, God granted him forgiveness and enabled him to rebuild his life.

How Believers Should Work Spiritually to Recover:

  1. Repentance and Confession: Acknowledge any wrongdoing or straying from God’s path and seek forgiveness through sincere repentance and confession (1 John 1:9).
  2. Faith and Trust: Trust in God’s promises and have faith that He can restore what has been lost (Hebrews 11:6).
  3. Prayer and Seeking God: Pray earnestly for guidance, strength, and restoration, seeking God’s will in the process (Jeremiah 29:12-13).
  4. Reading and Applying God’s Word: Delve into the Scriptures for wisdom, comfort, and direction in the journey toward recovery (Psalm 119:105).

Areas to Recover and Identify:

  1. Spiritual Vitality: Rekindle one’s passion for God and spiritual disciplines that may have waned over time.
  2. Lost Relationships: Seek reconciliation and healing in broken relationships, fostering forgiveness and love.
  3. Health and Well-being: Pray for physical and emotional healing, trusting in God’s restorative power.
  4. Material Blessings: Trust God for the provision and seek His guidance in regaining financial stability or lost possessions.
  5. Time and Opportunities: Redeem wasted time by committing to a purposeful, God-centered life moving forward (Ephesians 5:15-16).In conclusion, divine recovery in the Christian faith signifies God’s mercy, grace, and sovereignty in restoring His children from various forms of loss and brokenness. Believers are called to actively participate in this process through faith, prayer, repentance, and a willingness to submit to God’s transformative work. God’s promise of restoration remains a beacon of hope for all who have experienced loss, reminding them that nothing is beyond His power to redeem.

The Role of Faith in Seeking Divine Recovery in Christian Teachings:

Faith is a foundational aspect of seeking divine recovery in Christian teachings. It is through faith that believers trust in God’s promises, power, and sovereignty to bring about restoration in their lives. Here are some key roles that faith plays in the process of seeking divine recovery:

  1. Believing in God’s Power: Faith involves trusting in the limitless power of God to intervene in situations that seem impossible or hopeless. By having faith, believers acknowledge that God is able to bring about healing, restoration, and redemption in all areas of their lives.
  2. Confidence in God’s Promises: Faith is rooted in the belief that God is faithful to His promises as outlined in the Bible. When seeking divine recovery, believers hold onto these promises with unwavering confidence, knowing that God’s word is true and trustworthy.
  3. Acting on Belief: Faith is not merely a passive belief but an active response to God’s invitation to seek Him for restoration. Believers demonstrate their faith by taking steps of obedience, prayer, and trust in God’s leading as they journey towards recovery.
  4. Perseverance in Trials: Faith serves as a source of strength and endurance during times of adversity or setbacks. Believers rely on their faith to sustain them through challenges, trusting that God is working all things together for their good (Romans 8:28).
  5. Receiving Healing and Restoration: According to Christian teachings, it is through faith that individuals receive healing and restoration from God. Jesus often commended people for their faith when they sought healing, emphasizing the connection between faith and divine intervention.
  6. Transformed Perspective: Faith enables believers to view their circumstances through the lens of God’s promise and purpose. It helps them see beyond present difficulties to the hope and future that God has in store for them.

In summary, according to Christian teachings, faith is a central component in seeking divine recovery. It empowers believers to trust in God’s power, cling to His promises, act in obedience, persevere through trials, receive healing, and embrace a transformed perspective on their journey towards restoration.

There are several notable testimonies in the Bible of individuals who experienced divine recovery and restoration after facing various challenges or losses. Here are a few examples:

  1. Job: Job is a well-known biblical figure who faced extreme suffering and loss, including the loss of his wealth, health, and family. Despite his trials, Job maintained his faith in God and eventually experienced divine restoration. In the end, God restored Job’s fortunes twofold and blessed him with a new family.
  2. Joseph: Joseph, the son of Jacob, endured betrayal by his brothers, slavery, and imprisonment in Egypt. However, through a series of providential events orchestrated by God, Joseph was ultimately elevated to a position of power and authority in Egypt. He was able to reconcile with his family and provide for them during a severe famine, leading to the restoration of his family relationships.
  3. The Prodigal Son: The parable of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15:11-32 tells the story of a young man who squandered his inheritance and found himself in desperate circumstances. Upon realizing his mistakes, he humbly returned to his father, seeking forgiveness. His father welcomed him back with open arms and restored him to his former position in the family, symbolizing the theme of repentance and restoration in the face of loss.
  4. Israelites in Exile: The Israelites experienced exile and displacement multiple times throughout their history due to disobedience and conquest. However, God repeatedly promised restoration and deliverance to His people. One notable example is the return of the Israelites from Babylonian captivity, as prophesied by Jeremiah and fulfilled through Cyrus the Great, where the people were able to return to their homeland and rebuild the temple.

These testimonies from the Bible illustrate the themes of faith, perseverance, repentance, and divine intervention leading to restoration and recovery in the lives of individuals and communities. They serve as powerful reminders of God’s faithfulness and compassion towards those who seek Him in times of trial and loss.

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Cultivating and grooming spiritual gifts https://ablazefoundation.org/cultivating-and-grooming-spiritual-gifts/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=cultivating-and-grooming-spiritual-gifts https://ablazefoundation.org/cultivating-and-grooming-spiritual-gifts/#respond Sat, 24 Feb 2024 00:15:41 +0000 https://ablazefoundation.org/new/?p=14660 Unlocking your divine potential through intentional spiritual growth.

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Believers are encouraged to actively cultivate and develop their spiritual gifts through various practices, as outlined in the teachings of the Bible:

1. Prayer (Philippians 4:6-7): Regular communication with God through prayer is essential for seeking His guidance and wisdom. Pray specifically for developing and manifesting your spiritual gifts, asking for clarity on how to best utilize them for God’s glory.

2. Studying the Scriptures (2 Timothy 3:16-17): The Bible serves as a comprehensive guidebook for believers, providing insight into spiritual gifts and their applications. Study relevant passages like 1 Corinthians 12, Romans 12:6-8, and Ephesians 4:11-13 to deepen your understanding of your gifts.

3. Seeking Spiritual Mentors (Proverbs 27:17): Connect with mature believers who can offer guidance, mentorship, and encouragement in developing your spiritual gifts. Their insights and support can help you navigate challenges and doubts on your journey.

4. Serving Others (1 Peter 4:10): Use your spiritual gifts to serve others within your church or local community. By sharing and utilizing your gifts, you bless others and grow in your own gifting.

5.   Being Open to God’s Leading (Proverbs 3:5-6): Remain open to God’s guidance in your life. He may lead you to step out of your comfort zone or try new things to further develop your gifts.

6. Practice and Experimentation (Hebrews 5:14): Once you identify your spiritual gifts, practice using them and explore different ways to express and enhance them. Through experimentation, you can grow and refine your abilities over time.

Remember, developing spiritual gifts is a lifelong journey that requires patience, perseverance, and a continual relationship with God. Stay connected to Him through prayer, study of His Word, and fellowship with other believers, trusting that He will guide and use your gifts for His divine purposes.

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Arise and Shine https://ablazefoundation.org/arise-and-shine-2/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=arise-and-shine-2 Wed, 27 Sep 2023 11:25:29 +0000 https://ablazefoundation.org/?p=14458 My dear friends, today we gather here to reflect upon the inspiring message of “Arise and shine.” This biblical phrase from Isaiah 60:1 is a […]

The post Arise and Shine first appeared on ablazefoundation.org.

My dear friends, today we gather here to reflect upon the inspiring message of “Arise and shine.” This biblical phrase from Isaiah 60:1 is a powerful reminder of our divine purpose and potential in the eyes of God. It calls us to awaken from our slumber, embrace our identity as beloved children of God, and radiate His light in the world.

These words bring hope and encouragement in a world often consumed by darkness, despair, and uncertainty. They invite us to rise above our challenges, conquer our fears, and embrace the truth that God has chosen each of us for a unique purpose. Just as the sun rises every morning, we are called to rise and shine, illuminating the lives of those around us.

To truly understand the significance of “Arise and Shine,” let’s explore its deeper meaning. Arising signifies a call to action, to move beyond our comfort zones and complacency. It requires us to leave behind our limitations, doubts, and insecurities and step into the fullness of who God created us to be. Doing so makes us catalysts for positive change and transformation in our lives and communities.

As we arise, the second part of the message compels us to shine. Shining represents the radiance of God’s love, grace, and truth flowing through us. It is an invitation to showcase the qualities that reflect God’s character—compassion, forgiveness, humility, and integrity. When we allow His light to shine through us, we become beacons of hope, guiding lost souls towards salvation and peace.

However, it’s crucial to remember that our ability to arise and shine is not solely based on our strength. We must rely on the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit, who empowers us to fulfil our divine purpose. In yielding ourselves to God’s will and surrendering to His guidance, we tap into an unstoppable source of strength, wisdom, and courage.

In our daily lives, “Arise and Shine” may manifest in various ways. Perhaps it involves faith to share the Gospel with a friend or stranger. It might mean showing kindness to someone who is hurting or in need. Maybe it calls us to use our talents and skills to impact society positively. No matter how small, every act can contribute to God’s more excellent plan for each of us.

So, my dear friends, let us embrace the call to “Arise and shine” with zeal and enthusiasm. May we be bold in our faith and passionate in our pursuit of righteousness? Let us allow God’s love to permeate our hearts, minds, and actions as we extend His grace to all we encounter.

Remember, this journey of arising and shining is not meant to be travelled alone. We are a community of believers, united in purpose and love, supporting one another. Together, we can profoundly impact the world and bring glory to God’s name.

Therefore, go forth from this place, inspired and empowered by the message “Arise and shine.” Live your life as a testimony of God’s love, hope, and redemption. Illuminate the darkness with the light of Christ within you. Arise and shine, for the world awaits your radiant witness!

May God bless you abundantly as you embark on this transformative journey. Amen.

The post Arise and Shine first appeared on ablazefoundation.org.

Consistency In Prayer Part 2 https://ablazefoundation.org/consistency-in-prayer-part-2/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=consistency-in-prayer-part-2 https://ablazefoundation.org/consistency-in-prayer-part-2/#respond Mon, 25 Sep 2023 22:26:51 +0000 https://ablazefoundation.org/?p=14456 FINDING STRENGTH THROUGH CONSISTENT PRAYER

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Setting aside dedicated time for prayer helps us align our desires with God’s in several ways. First, it allows us to focus our attention and prioritize our relationship with God. Prayer is a way of acknowledging His presence and seeking His guidance, which helps us centre our desires around Him.

Second, dedicated prayer time provides a space for reflection and self-awareness. When we intentionally set aside time to pray, we have the opportunity to examine our desires, motives, and intentions. Through prayer, we can bring our desires before God, honestly evaluate them, and ask for His wisdom and discernment.

Third, consistent prayer builds intimacy with God. Spending time in conversation with Him allows us to deepen our relationship, understand His character and will, and align our desires with His. As we seek His guidance through prayer, we become more attuned to His voice and more open to His leading.

Finally, setting aside dedicated time for prayer demonstrates our commitment to prioritizing God in our lives. It shows that we value our relationship with Him and are intentional about seeking His will. By consistently dedicating time to prayer, we create a habit of aligning our desires with God’s and inviting Him into every aspect of our lives.

Overall, dedicating time to prayer helps us align our desires with God’s by focusing our attention on Him, promoting self-reflection, building intimacy, and demonstrating our commitment to Him.

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Consistency In Prayer Part 1 https://ablazefoundation.org/consistency-in-prayer-part-1-2/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=consistency-in-prayer-part-1-2 https://ablazefoundation.org/consistency-in-prayer-part-1-2/#respond Mon, 25 Sep 2023 22:22:48 +0000 https://ablazefoundation.org/?p=14454 Unwavering commitment to commune with the divine.

The post Consistency In Prayer Part 1 first appeared on ablazefoundation.org.


Cultivating a consistent prayer life is essential in seeking guidance from God and aligning our desires with His. Here are some steps to help you in this process:

  1. Set aside dedicated time for prayer: Choose a specific time each day to dedicate to prayer. This could be in the morning, during lunch break, or before bed. Consistency is key to developing a habit of prayer.
  2. Find a quiet and peaceful space: Create an environment that allows you to focus and connect with God without distractions. It could be a dedicated prayer room or simply a quiet corner in your home. Eliminate any potential interruptions during your prayer time.
  3. Use a prayer journal: Writing down your prayers can help you stay focused and organized. It also allows you to look back and see how God has answered your prayers over time. Consider using a journal to record your thoughts, prayers, and reflections.
  4. Seek God’s guidance through His Word: Prayer and reading the Bible go hand in hand. Spend time meditating on Scripture, allowing it to guide your prayers and shape your desires. Ask God to open your heart and reveal His will to you through His Word.
  5. Be honest and vulnerable with God: Pour out your heart to God, expressing your true desires, concerns, and struggles. He already knows your heart, but the act of opening up to Him deepens your relationship and allows Him to work in your life.
  6. Listen for God’s voice: Prayer is not just about talking to God; it’s also about listening to Him. Create moments of silence and stillness, allowing God to speak to you through His Spirit. Be attentive to His promptings, whispers, and gentle nudges.
  7. Be patient and persistent: Aligning your desires with God’s will takes time and perseverance. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t see immediate results or answers to your prayers. Trust that God is at work, even in ways you cannot see or understand.

Remember, prayer is a conversation with God, and it’s a relationship that grows stronger with time and intentionality. By consistently seeking His guidance through prayer, you will gradually align your desires with His and experience the peace and fulfillment that comes from living in His will.

The post Consistency In Prayer Part 1 first appeared on ablazefoundation.org.

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Aligning your priorities with God’s will part 2 https://ablazefoundation.org/aligning-your-priorities-with-gods-will-part-2/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=aligning-your-priorities-with-gods-will-part-2 https://ablazefoundation.org/aligning-your-priorities-with-gods-will-part-2/#respond Mon, 25 Sep 2023 21:59:20 +0000 https://ablazefoundation.org/?p=14445 In what ways can we surrender control to God and trust that His plans are better than our own, especially when it comes to aligning […]

The post Aligning your priorities with God’s will part 2 first appeared on ablazefoundation.org.

In what ways can we surrender control to God and trust that His plans are better than our own, especially when it comes to aligning our desires with His will?

How can we cultivate a consistent prayer life that helps us seek guidance from God and align our desires with His?

There are several practical steps we can take to shift our priorities and align our desires with God’s will:

  1. Seek God through prayer: Regularly spend time in prayer, seeking guidance from God and asking Him to align your desires with His.
  2. Study the Bible: Dive deep into Scripture to understand God’s character, His desires, and His commands. Meditate on His Word and allow it to shape your thoughts and desires.
  3. Surrender control: Let go of your own plans and desires and surrender control to God. Trust that His plans are better than your own and submit to His leading.
  4. Surround yourself with like-minded believers: Seek out a community of believers who are also seeking to align their desires with God’s will. They can provide support, encouragement, and accountability as you make these changes.
  5. Practice obedience: Actively choose to obey God’s commands and follow the example of Jesus Christ in your daily life. This may involve making decisions that align with His values, even when they are difficult or unpopular.
  6. Cultivate gratitude: Develop a mindset of gratitude and thankfulness for what God has given you. This helps to shift your focus away from worldly desires and towards a desire to please and honour Him.
  7. Be open to change: Allow God to change your desires and priorities as He sees fit. Be willing to let go of selfish desires and embrace His will, even if it means stepping outside of your comfort zone.

Remember, aligning your desires with God’s will is a lifelong process. It requires persistence, surrender, and a willingness to continually seek His guidance. But as you make these intentional efforts, you will find greater peace, fulfillment, and joy in living according to His purposes.

The post Aligning your priorities with God’s will part 2 first appeared on ablazefoundation.org.

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