Ministry and Purpose

Bible focus: John 1:6-15

In Genesis chapter 1, the Bible recorded of how God did create the heaven and the earth and everything within them, all for a time and purpose. Thus, the provision for our purpose has been made right from the beginning of the creation of the world.

Looking at the focal scripture, we learnt of John the Baptist, as the forerunner of Jesus Christ, who was in the ministry of ‘baptizing men’, while his purpose was to announce Jesus. His ministry which was to baptize men aided him to achieve the purpose of being the forerunner of Jesus and thereby announcing Him.
Just like John did understand this, we ought to do likewise. So, ministry is an aid, just like gift, talent is an aid for us to achieve and fulfill purpose.
Jesus Christ likewise was in the ministry of healing, delivering, and teaching men, but His purpose was to rescue mankind and reconcile men back to God, which He fulfilled.

Now, the question is ’do you know that purpose for which you were created’?

Note that you can actually be flourishing in ministry and still not fulfilling purpose. For instance, if John was busy baptizing men and couldn’t perceive when Jesus came, for him to announce Him(Jesus), he wouldn’t have fulfilled his purpose which was very paramount to his coming on earth. Likewise Jesus, if He had not died to redeem mankind, he wouldn’t have fulfilled purpose. So as a man, you can actually maximize all your giftings and talents and yet not fulfill purpose.

On the last day, God will ask us questions on how we used our gifts and talents to fulfill purpose. With this, it should become clear to us that God expects us to use our gifts as they were designed for us to use them to achieve our purpose here in earth.

To this regard was Ablaze Foundation founded and having this great vision, will be working towards helping every member discover and fulfill his or her purpose here on earth and by so doing, the kingdom of God will be established.

Writter: Ablazian Esther


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